ISIL declare a state establish self-proclaimed [caliph]

ISIL, declare a state establish self-proclaimed [caliph]

ISIL declare a state establish self-proclaimed [caliph] ISIL, declare a state establish self-proclaimed [Caliph], to the Islamic rebound Islam Sunni extremist organization to continue the offensive in Iraq [Irakurebanto of the Islamic State (ISIL)] is month, issued a statement on the net, the leader of the Abu Bakr bug Daddy suspect, the leaders of the Islamic community It declared the establishment of the Islamic state to obey as [the caliph (the prophet Muhammad's successor)]. From northern Syria around Aleppo has positioned the whole area of ​​up to central Iraq Diyala Province and [territory] of the present time, the take a spur to the confusion of the regional situation's inevitable. The statement, request as [to swear allegiance to the caliph's duty of Muslims], to participate in the jihad (holy war) for the Islamic state expanded to all Muslims. In addition, it announced that claiming the [Islamic State] and remove the [Irakurebanto from the organization name. Iraq, not Syria local only, ultimately aimed at control of all of the Islamic world it can be said that the manifestation of ambition.

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